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City Beach

Israel Trip

June 18-28, 2023

Led by JLTV's,

Rabbi Mark Blazer


Price include all activities, bus, guides, water on the bus, Bethlehem Excursion. All breakfasts, lunches and dinners included as indicated. Shabbat dinner and special dinner on last night. Special discount for children sharing rooms with parents.

Jordan Extension

June 29-July 1, 2023


Led By

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Rabbi Mark Blazer

Rabbi Blazer is President of Jewish Life Foundation at JLTV and rabbi of Temple Beth Ami.  He began leading trips to Israel decades ago with his father media pioneer Phil Blazer, z”l.  Rabbi Blazer hosts Shabbat Synaplex each week on JLTV and brings Israel to life for millions.  He is a beloved religious leader in the United States and around the world.

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Jewish Life Foundation

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